The beginning of Amateur

I’m the amateur

I’m the permanent student of life

And i would never become a professional human. I’m not perfect and never try to be the perfect one.

I’m on my study about life. My life is full of subjects.

I’m just an amateur in love area

And i will start my journey as amateur

I don’t have any destination, I’m open my self to take all directions and I believe on myself.

I’m the amateur who want to be the kind human and always curious about what should my life look like.

Lots of love

Amateur’s journey



Are you the young people around 20’s ? confused about your life? have you ever ask yourself “who am i? what is my purpose? what is my passion? what is i am good at?” HAHA me also have the such questions and keep talking and ask those to myself.

That’s NORMAL, all is about right time. okay maybe this is the common sentence that you always hear, but it is totally true. Do what you love! Do your hobby. Give the best for your hobby. Doing it as your “escape” from the reality till your hobby can pay your bill.

Being steady and safe in financial is the primary goal. Yes we can do both ; pursue our career in professional field and do your Hobby till it become your professional field. do you get what i meant? Just do whatever in front of you, if you didn’t get something that you want, create it. If you like something, create it. If you obsess with something, create it.

So, life is about creating not just waiting.

i know, it is not easy, i also still working out it, i’m on the process to create my dream life.

So, never give up, we can do. we able to do and we are going to be where we are want to be as soon as we keep trying.



Love.November 2nd 2017

Okay, i’m starting this blog from the love thing.

Love is a complicated thing, but it is a miracle for people who has the good heart and know the soul of the pure love. I love someone, yes someone. special, sure. I’m a sensitive person. and i’m sure mostly the women are sensitive, especially if it comes from someone that they love. Don’t blame ourselves to be sensitive or ‘drama’. but the most important is we can act or train our sensitivity to the classy level.


Women and Men have so much differences, so never try change your partner to become like you. Trying to accept them, just the way they are. So, in my life how i love my someone is i’m trying to accept ‘him’ and watching where and how this is will go. I put the positive thoughts and not thinking that i am bad if my someone wouldn’t love me as much i adore ‘him’. In my mind i plant the motto that “if someone or something is does belong to you, and it would be find the way to stay and growing with you”

Never afraid of Love.

Love never hurt you, it just showing you which one is the best for you.
